22,000 gallons / 1 skimmer / no MD / 2 returns / vinyl liner / no heater / SWC / no controls
PacFab WhisperFlo pump / PacFab X1000 cartridge filter / Lectranator Z9000 SWC
built by Fuck Head in 1999
Tech Notes
Gate code: 1122
Owner has some engineering experience and is VERY familiar with
his pool. Do not argue with him, but if he asks for service beyond the
standard, explain that he needs to contact the "maintenance manager"
(Madison).Property has 2 or more related homes. Rock house belongs to son (?)
Dog on site in adjacent house; not aggressive, but do not try to pet.
Site is semi-agricultural; chickens may be present, along with some sort
of weird and extremely noisy African birds. Watch out for the rooster;
he may attack from behind.